Documents about the genealogy research in Malta
- Maltese surnames, Joëlle Pawelczyk
- Aspects of maltese surnames, Mario CASSAR
- Weddings in Malta in the eighteenth century, Aurore Verié
- Le sultan Djem et sa prétendue descendance maltaise, de Nicolas VELIN
- Le légendaire Eugène Matteo d'Armenia, de Loïck PORTELLI
- Jacques et Marguerite de Pellegrino, de Loïck PORTELLI
- Headquarters Gozo in 1551 and repopulation of the island (excerpts), Stanley Fiorini
- Marriage in Malta in the late eighteenth century (excerpts), Frans CIAPPARA
- The three CUMBO brothers, by Georges GANDER and Nicolas VELIN
- Nicola SOLTANA, the founder, by Nicolas VELIN
- Le maréchal Davout est-il Maltais ?, de Loïck Portelli
- Qui est Marguerite d’Aragon ?, de Loïck PORTELLI
- Les Racines Maltaises de Gérald DARMANIN