Documents aboute the maltese history
- Noblesse maltaise et généalogie, de Loïck PORTELLI
- L’esclavage au quotidien à Malte au xvie siècle, de Anne BROGINI
- Malte, frontière de chrétienté (1530-1670), de Anne BROGINI
- The fear of the French Revolution in Malta, Frans CIAPPARA
- Malta in "A Winter in Egypt" (excerpts), Eugène Poitou
- Foreigners in Malta (late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries), Anne Brogini
- The Siege of Malta by Napoleon Bonaparte (excerpts)
- The population of Malta in the seventeenth century, a reflection of modernity (excerpts), Anne Brogini
- The Jews in Malta, Aurore Verié
- The Maltese language, a linguistic crossroads, Martine VANHOVE
- The Maltese in Tunisia before the Protectorate (excerpts), Andrea L. SMITH
- The emigration of Maltese in Algeria in the nineteenth century, Marc DONATO
- The French in Algeria from 1830 to today (excerpts), Jeannine VERDES-LEROUX
- Economic life in Malta in the 18th century, Aurore Verié